Originally posted by BoomerSooner
I don't personally like the rule, but what will hold it back, regardless of my reasons, is the monetary side of it. There are alot of rural schools out there that can barely afford to keep playing basketball let alone buy additional equipment to maintain a shot clock.
My reasoning behind it is that there are frequently shot clock problems in the NBA and NCAA where it has been used for many years. Just imagine the problems that could arise at the HS level where frequently the clock operators have difficulties that so frequently make our board. We would have to start a whole a whole new board for shot clock questions.
We have our share of very small and budget-limited schools in our area. However, they all managed to acquire shot clocks when our state decided to use them.
Shot clock difficulties are rare. I can't remember the last time that a shot clock error by the table causes any additional grief in one of my games. Besides, having a shot clock to manage is a great way to force officials to become clock aware.