Reminds me of a state tournament I did a few years ago.
In MN, there are state JO fastpitch tournaments for "A" level, "B" level, "C" level, "D" level, and rec. You can imagine.
Anyway, I agreed to call some games in the state 12U (or maybe it was 14U, I don't remember now) "D" tournament. Now I knew going in what this was: relatively unskilled players whose team had "made state."
The UIC was a young hot shot who thought the entire tournament was beneath him. (Doh! Why are you UICing this tournament, then?)
He griped about the pathetic play the entire 2 days of the tournament. He ridiculed the very notion that it could even be called a "state" tournament. He grumbled around the umpire tent. He grumbled at the consession stand. He assigned himself games, and grumbled on the way to his games, while on the field, and on the way back (I had the misfortune of being partnered with him for one game. Somehow I had absolutely nothing I needed to discuss with my partner that entire game. I don't know why!

Awful. Dreadful. Sucked much of the joy out of watching all these kids just having fun.