Originally posted by BktBallRef
There is ZERO chance that that player is going to be standing behind me, OOB.
The game got along for decades without a coach being able to request a TO. It's an unnecessary evil.
I haven't been doing it for decades, so I can't comment directly about that.

I also totally agree about that player OOB. But that's not what I said. I mentioned a player outside your field of vision. If it is not the player directly involved in the trap, either you or your partner(s) has to look and acknowledge whoever is requesting the timeout, player or coach. As for looking away from a trap, if it's close, intense, etc., of course I'm not going to turn my head away. But if there's some way I can see both, I still have to make sure it's the coach (or player) of the team in control. But that's where pre-gaming with your partner will help. They should know you cannot leave what you're watching, so they should be aware of TO requests.