Originally posted by BktBallRef
You guys are over looking the problem. It's not the semantics of calling a TO verses requesting one. It's the fact that coaches think the TO should be granted when the yell, no matter the situation.
IMHO, it puts the coaches in a position they shouldn't be in- it puts them in the game and on the floor! We don't need that.
I think we actually agree about the coaches, but this also points out it IS about semantics. A lot of coaches think the TO happens when they say, "Time out!". When we don't grant it, for whatever reason, it's our fault and their team just got hosed. They don't understand the difference between asking and granting. The coaches that do understand the difference know how to ask us when they're nearby, or have a player get our attention, without being on the floor. The smarter coaches also have a tendancy to have smarter players.