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Old Thu Apr 14, 2005, 10:39pm
Daryl H. Long Daryl H. Long is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Jerry City, Ohio
Posts: 394
Papa C:

As a Preacher I hate it when things are scheduled on Sundays. (I think it would be better served to not have both clinics on Sunday, but that is up to your organization.) But given all the facts I would support any decision you felt was best for you and your organization. While the board acted within their parameters I too think they erred in their decision. The exceptions should be based on extreme circumstances not routine.

"Hector" had ample time before the clinics to voice his concern. Since it was a State wide mandate I assume there were other 3/4 clinics across the state he could have attended. Doesn't sound to me like he exhausted all his avenues to become eligible before asking for an exception.

I sympathize with "Hector" and respect the decision he and his family have made to remember a loved one, but to expect another organization to revolve around that decision is unrealistic.

If you believe there should never ever be given and exception, then I believe you are wrong. But to the contrary the impression from your posts seemed to indicate that you were more concerned with the future chaos the board's decision will have within the group since it was not based on an extrem mitigating circumstance but one which pales in comparison. To that I believe you are right on track.

If your decision to resign from the board gets the membership to reevaluate who they have elected to the board and seek to replace the ones who make decisions for the group more on emotion than through bylaws then you have done the right thing. Losing such a valuable member as yourself from the board may be impetus the membership needs to right a sinking ship.

You have my best wishes my friend.

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