Being a stand-up guy is sometimes difficult.
You have based your entire private and professional life around "doing what is right", so I ask:
What is the "right thing" to do?
I think you pretty much nailed the correct procedure.
Your group folded like a wet tent when the rubber hit the road.
So let's try to make this an umpiring analogy:
Did they "get the call right?"
Five of them think so . . .
Did they "misapply a rule?"
Looks like it.
Can this be protested to a "higher authority?"
Sooooo, what should you do?
Simple. Let your ego go, decide how you can do the MOST GOOD for your umpiring group.
We don't always win all battles. I would like to see you concentrate on winning the war.
Take a deep breath. Count to 21 (I know you can do that since you have ten fingers, ten toes and are a prick) and decide what best completes your legacy within Texas baseball.
Of course this is just an opinion and like all a$$holes I have plenty of those.