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Old Thu Apr 14, 2005, 07:12am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by zanzibar
This is a case book situation(4.19.6A). A1 airborne shooter is fouled and then he commits a pc foul before he lands. The ruling does say that A1 shoots 2 shots. Do the players occupy the lane spaces or do you clear the lane for A1's ft's then award B the ball for an oob throw in?
The latter. If A1's last throw is good, B can run the baseline. If not, it's a spot throw-in. (The last two sentences assume that the baseline is the spot nearest A1's foul.)


Isn't this situation a false double foul meaning that the fouls are penalized in the order that they occured with the penalty for the last foul be administered as if this were the only foul committed?

MTD, Sr.
Yes. The last foul was the PC. The penalty is the ball OOB. And, it also might follow a basket. So, B gets to run the end-line. There's a specific case on this, iirc.

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