Originally posted by Daryl H. Long
But I added this example to a balk thread to empasise a point:
There are balks that NF wants called by reasoning it is not allowed per pitching rule.
Conversely, Plate celebrations are allowed because there is no prohibition per rule.
So when I see something not specifically covered in the rule book do I
1.Prevent it because not allowed, or
2. Allow it because not prohibited??????
See, there's your poblem: the gorilla arm is
specifically prohibited by rule [complete with penalty - balk] - pitcher's arm must be @ his side or behind his back. Only, until this year damn near no-one called it, 'cause it's a "don't do that" in OBR. As far as I can recollect, there are no "unenumerated" balks in the FED canon: every balk is for violation of a specific requirement or prohibition; thus if it's not outlawed, it's permitted.
Choose 2.