Thread: disconcertion
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Old Sun Jul 15, 2001, 12:03pm
PAULK1 PAULK1 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 271
Maybe these things get to be POE's because to many officials are "just letting it go". While not every movement during the free throw is disconcertion there are far to many instances of the players in lane closest to the shooter doing the bring the arms down quickly or the loud noise (either claping or verbal) just as the shooter is releasing. These are obvious attempts to gain an unfair advantage...While you might not see it much at the college level it seems to occur alot in H.S. I agree if you can talk them out of it great, but if not take care of it early
and you won't have a problem with it.

P.S. Please forward me a copy of the rules that coaches and assignors don't like I never seem to get mine(maybe this is why I haven't been asked to the big dance yet).
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