Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by FrankHtown
Ok...where does 9-2-12 fit in? "No teammate of the thrower shall be out of bounds after a designated-spot throw-in begins"
I interpret that to mean if a teammate of the thrower goes out of bounds, it's a throw-in violation. Is that the correct interpretation?
Are we to call a violation or a technical?
That's correct. It's a violation for a seconf player to be OOB when his team's thrower is already OOB with the ball.
Is this true only on a designated throw-in and not true after a made basket? I'm picturing the OOB play where A1 is taking it out against pressure, A2 runs out of bounds where A1 then passes it to him and A1 then goes inbounds to receive the pass.
Is this only a violation if its on a designated throw-in?