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Old Tue Apr 12, 2005, 10:36am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Camron Rust
Ref thought it was a three, signaled a three, scorer entered a three. A bit later, before the time window has expired, there is a timeout. The two refs confer and realize that it should have been a saw a foot on the line but didn't realize the other counted it as a three. Correctable. Fix the score, continue from POI. After the time window, it becomes uncorrectable.
Really? I'd have thought this was a "bad call" and not correctable. I would have guessed it was fixable if the lead whistled and ran in for a quick conference as the call was made, but not within 2-10.

What is a "bad call" that can't be corrected, then? I mean in the context of Art 1 item e.
Same situation but partner doesn't know that it should be a two. Bad call, not correctable since no one knows for sure.

The reason they can fix it in the quick conference is that it is correctable.

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