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Old Mon Apr 11, 2005, 09:15pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally posted by jbduke

This is a perfect example of what Juulie and her ilk (I count myself among that number) are talking about when they stress the importance of having command of the language. I'm not in IAABO, so I couldn't answer this question even if I knew what Rut was talking about; but what about people that do know about IAABO's rules and procedures? It's silly that Rut's question may not get answered because somebody who knows might not be willing to take two posts to answer it: one to answer it, in addition to the one it might take asking for clarification of the question.

Rut, I'm not picking on you nearly as much as I'm picking on people who refuse to give any credence to the idea (actually held by more than just Julie and me) that sharp use of language is something that we should all work at.

I am writing on a discussion board. I am not writing an article for the Wall Street Journal. That goes for anyone else here as well. If that bothers you, it surely does not bother me. Half the time when I am on this site, I am doing something else at the same time. If I ever worried about every response or answer on this site and many others if someone used perfect English (let us not start on how people talk either) then I would always get upset. If you could not understand what I was asking then analytical thinking might be difficult for you or you just want to be very difficult. If what I said was not perfect, so be it. I probably did not proof read it or put much thought into what I said. I just asked a question and really did not put much concern into how it came out. When I am in certain places I am more careful, when I am here, who cares. All the crap I have to read here and have to seriously think about what the meaning is, I would never be able to understand if I expected perfection.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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