Yea, I thought you were serious. Can't tell with text messages.
Dak, yes I do think the rules should be the same as much as possible in order to avoid confusion. When people get togetgher to "play ball", there are many many many confusions and carry-overs from one sport to the other. If we avoid making different rules as much as possible, then it makes things easier.
For instance, why should obstruction be different in BB and SB (ISF)? BB the ball is dead, and in SB it's a "delayed dead ball", with the blue sticking out his left hand, waiting for the play to wind down, and only then he kills the ball and makes whatever corrections are necessary.
Why not use the safety base in BB? Makes sense to me in SB.
Runner hit by a ball in BB - depends on if the ball has passed the infielders, but in SB (ISF) it depends on if the ball passed ANY fielder. But this might be different in ASA and other organizations.
Truth is, you can argue both directions in almost each case, but I still think it would make umping a tad easier if there was some sort of general tendency to make the rules the same.