JUCO game, bottom of 10th inning, 2-2 tie. Runners at 2nd and 3rd. 3 man crew.
Catcher stands up in catcher's box, right arm extended for an intentional BOB to the batter.
Catcher then steps out of the catcher's box before the pitch is delivered.
No call.
This was clearly an Illegal pitch:
NCAA rule 10.1c:
The catcher must be within the catchers box from the time the pitcher steps on the pitchers plate until the pitch is released. No part of the catchers feet may be outside the lines until the pitch is released.
This was repeated 4 times with no call.
My question is:
Can the BU make this call or is it solely the PU's call? PU and 1st base ump somewhat new; 3rd base is a veteran. They huddled up between innings and perhaps discussed the sitch.
We won the game in the 11th but it should have been over in the 10th.
Softball Addict
Mississippi Gulf Coast