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Old Sat Apr 09, 2005, 10:46am
wisref2 wisref2 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 321
BBall coach got me good once in a good natured exchange. Just a few seconds earlier, I had called over and back right in front of the scorers table. He started complaining and I just ignored him because it was obvious. Play went on for a short time and the ball goes out of bounds near midcourt - that's when I realize I had the wrong line! It was one of those courts with a zillion lines on it. I turned to the coach and asked him if I had called the wrong line earlier and he said yes. "Was that the worst call you've ever seen," I asked. This was a girls game, not exciting, and it was almost silent in the gym when he replied, "No, one you made earlier tonight was even worse!" After a second, I started laughing, he started laughing, the table started laughing and it finally spread to the players and crowd. It was one of those special moments in sports that you always remember.
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