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Old Fri Apr 08, 2005, 08:01am
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: bama:

Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by ozzy6900
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Tim: You did the FED a real service by calling the CT error to the attention of Mr. Hopkins.
Just as a note to Papa C & Tim, I reside in CT but I am not a member of the Hartford Board. I belong to the Greater New Haven Board and I hate to say, we were told the same thing - quick head turn = no balk! Now here is another quandary. All you guys are from different parts of the country and you are calling this a balk per the rules. We get the same rule book but a different interpretation from our STATE INTERPERTER! It's kind of like saying "in Carl's association, you will only wear one ball bag and in mine you may wear two if you wish." If the whole state is getting the information that the quick head turn is not a balk, what are we supposed to do?
I'm a little confused. A "quick head turn" is not a balk anywhere. The issue is what does the umpire call when the pitcher, before coming to the stop in the set position, quickly turns his shoulders to check a runner. The answer is: Under FED rules/interpretations, he calls nothing, for "That ain't a balk!"
Don't be confused, it's my fault! When we were discussing the shoulder turn, we talked about a quick head turn and a quick shoulder turn. I just was being my 0630 self this morning.

Carl, I'm sure that you read the whole post here with my analogy on the original pause in the windup. I brought this to my superiors, but I won't see the rules interperter until next week. Can you give me your opinion? I promise I will not argue with your opinion but I will print it out for my rules interperter to read. Tim C never got back to me on it. Thanks
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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