If the pitcher is on the plate, AND the catcher is ready to recieve the pitch (facing the pitcher with all gear in place) AND the runners are not advancing, THEN the runners must return to the last base held. If not, then they are in violation of rule 7.13 IF a pitch is delivered.
Not exactly. 7.13 says that runners can't leave, not that they must return. As said before, pitcher and catcher being in position (okay, I left out catcher before, I figured it was implied) doesn't stop continuous action. A runner headed to second doesn't have to stop there simply because the pitcher has the ball and the catcher is behind the plate with his gear on. The runner can continue all the way to home if he wants as long as he doesn't stop along the way. The defense must make the offense stop FIRST, and then 7.13 keeps them stopped.
Otherwise the delayed steal of home (or anywhere else for that matter) wouldn't be possible.
My suggestion for new little league umps is to simply lurk on this forum. You can learn a lot here just by keeping your mouth shut and listening. Any questions you have can be asked on the Eteamz rules board and you'll probably get a better answer. There's a lot of dumb questions there to wade through, but there are also some experienced LL umps that should be able to give you some solid help.
You'll also avoid running afoul of those on this board who don't see the value in helping young kids play baseball. I mean, even the little guys deserve a good umpire, don't they?