Originally posted by Dukat
What would you sugest for someone who wears a 12EEEE shoe?
I have yet to find any plate shoes that would fit me so I have to take my chances.
Call Honigs, ask to speak to one the Honigs themselves (assuming you're calling the Michigan Main Office), tell them your situation. I did the same thing last year and this year. Got three pairs of shoes to try, and shipped back the ones that didn't fit. Didn't get charged for anything until I had picked my pair.
I wear, normally, a 13 EEEEE...that's one size longer and one side wider than you. I wear 14Wide plate shoes from Honigs...the 13's are too short, but the width is pretty good. Went to a 14 and it's fine...I wear two pairs of socks normally, and I also wear cushion supports for comfort.
Seriously, the K80W are good shoes, look good, lightweight, and are plenty wide for me!