Originally posted by Buster Light
I really don't know about LL but it sounds just like the FED rule.
A starter can re-enter in the same slot in the batting order.
If an improper batter takes his turn at bat, which happened
in your case, and it is recognized while he is at bat a proper
replacement is made and NO penalty.
If he gets on base, then if the improper batter is recognized
BEFORE the first pitch to the next batter, he is OUT.
If a pitch is made to the next batter, then it is too late and
the impropper batter becomes legal. The proper next batter would
then be, in your case, the number 9 slot.
I believe that according to Fed rules we would have an illegal substitution. I also believe that since the first batter in the order should have been up, the next batter would be in the number 2 slot not the number 9. Am I wrong? Also, I believe that the improper batter is never called out. He is simply removed from the base if the detection is made before the next legal pitch and the proper batter is declared out. The next batter is the person who follows the person that would have been batting if the improper batter was not at the plate. This person is B2 not B9
[Edited by Gre144 on Jul 12th, 2001 at 05:39 PM]