Billy, Billy, Billy
In FEDlandia you can "balk" (Brad Rumble's term, not mine) when:
1) If in the wind-up position and the pitcher does the "start-stop" (you see it all the time when a pitcher stops in mid-windup and steps off and starts over) it is determined to be a "balk" (BR term) and a ball is added to the batter's count and,
2) If a pitcher is pitching from the set position and does not make a "stop" (just like with runners on base) it is to be called a "balk" (BR term) and a ball added to the batter's count.
These may not be written in the NFHS rule book, HOWEVER, they were published in the Federation Spring Newsletter during the last 10 years.
The editor of this website may have the specific dates of the newsletters.
In FED it appears that balks do occur with no runners on base.
In closing guys, what other rules do you ignore? Please read this years POEs and get back to me. I am interested to see how you justify not calling the rules that your client publishes.
Lah Me.
[Edited by Tim C on Apr 7th, 2005 at 09:42 AM]