Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Originally posted by rainmaker
So as long as we're totoally off topic, what ARE HOA's?
Juulie - HOA stands for Home Owners Association. What you don't want is to have Crack HOA's in your neighborhood.
Or - maybe you do.
The HOA is the association that charges you a monthly fee to tell you that anything you propose to do to your property cannot be done. I live in a gated "active adult community" (one spouse has to be 55 or older), and we call our HOA the "Power Mongers". It is sometimes truly amazing what a little bit of power will do to some people. While the HOA does do some good things, they seem to have their head up their *** a lot of the time.
[Edited by dblref on Apr 7th, 2005 at 06:55 AM]