And to be clear, I'm not talking about "cutting him slack" wrt a judgement call, like Mcrowder said. I quite disagree with MC on what he said (86 ft, calling him safe, etc.).
I'm talking about legislating a rule. From that point of view, I think we can take into account other definitions of the game (such as leading off or not, base distances, etc). For instance, Softball has a safety base at first, and baseball does not. Softball has the ball dead when the pitcher has it in the circle, but baseball does not. Slowpitch has the ball dead after a walk and strikeout, it also has a 65 ft. baseline (easier to hit the ball hard), things like that.
Baseball has explicity legislated this situation stating that the run counts. Softball has not, and it seems from the softball rules that this run should NOT count, the third out having been made before R3 touched the plate.
Personally, I think that SB and BB should have the same rules as much as possible. People confuse the two in any event, and players switch from one to the other. I mean, three outs in an inning, infield fly, foul/fair, three strikes and you're out, dropped third strike (FP), etc. Other rules obviously must be different: ball size, bats, gloves, field dimensions, leading off, pitching regulations, etc.