I appreciate your reply .
I am going to end this post though because I just think it got out of control and away from the real issues. I agree that enforcing no ball toss during a conference is disagreeable to most everybody and I am going to adopt that concept from now on ( just in case it happens a 3rd time in my career ). I will, however continue to request that the coach put someone out there with the bullpen. I asked some of the guys from my association about that and they said they were told to request that also by the association. Perhaps my choice of words and emphasis was poor and I acknowledge that.
I will focus on the important things like not making the coach or myself the focus of any contest, but letting the competetitors be the focus.
Thanks to all who constructivey contributed to my learning process.
Tony Smerk
OHSAA Certified
Class 1 Official
Sheffield Lake, Ohio