Thread: ear rings
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Old Wed Apr 06, 2005, 07:01pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by DaveASA/FED
Thanks for the reply. What is the penalty? I know if SB, VB and WR that person would not compete if it was not removed. His coach mentioned point deductions for jewelry, I had never heard of this.

Thanks again
The Track & Field and Cross Country jewelry rule is a little tougher.

According to Fed, jewelry comes under the heading of an illegal uniform in track & field, and the penalty for an illegal uniform is that the competitor is disqualified from the event.
They even have a rule that implies that a jewelry-wearing competitor may not choose to run in another lane (one that is farther away from any opponent).

[What is considered jewelry? In Michigan: any jewelry and those popular colored-plastic wristbands, sunglasses (with medical exceptions), watches, temporary body paint or other adornment.
Legal jewelry in Michigan: Wedding bands, medical alert necklaces or bracelets, religious medals (no chains)]

The jewelry rules, though unnecessarily harsh in my opinion, are simply zero tolerance and event disqualification. Thus, if a kid gets dq'd in one of his four events the kid may remove the jewelry and still legally compete in the rest of that kid's events.

Oh, ...breathe-right strips are permitted!

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