Originally posted by debeau
How do make a judgement on something that hasnt happened or may not happen.
You summarize nicely my issue with the ASA NUS interpretation / instruction on OBS. This was the crux of the original dilemma posted on this thread.
Given the ASA interpretation, and given a second (or third) OBS on the same runner, is the umpire to "add the steps" from the first OBS when making the judgment on the second?
Also, the thread has been partially diverted into several side issues, including the proper understanding of the "cannot be put out between the bases" rule in relation to the entire OBS rule, the assertion that bases may not be awarded unless the runner actually makes a try for the base, and the assertion that bases may not be awarded unless the obstructed runner is put out.
Back to the ASA interp, it has its problems that a more "keep the final judgment open" interpretation could avoid. But, I call 'em like the organization wants, as best I can.