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Old Wed Apr 06, 2005, 08:31am
Shmuelg Shmuelg is offline
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Posts: 105
I think it makes quite a difference. As someone who has umped and played both, it makes a world of differnce in the game itself.

In baseball, there is usually plenty of time to get the out at first, and as such an infielder usually has plenty of time to "look back" a runner. In softball, it's much quicker, and a mere glance is all that's possible, sometimes not even that.

Furthermore, this is one reason that leading off isn't allowed in SB. It's alot easier to steal a base from 60 ft. away minus lead-off than it is from 90 ft. away minus leadoff.

So, in this case, it should be expected that a Softball B3 should get home on time, and if not, then he's not running as well as his opposition is playing, and deserves to lose that run.
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