Here's my .01 worth (sorry, I'm poor...I umpire!)
If it hits the machine, doesn't get trapped, play it.
If it gets trapped under the machine, play it like you would a "pitcher" getting hit with a batted ball to the extend that she falls down. Normally, I would kill this situation (line drive to pitchers stomach--saw two in a national last year in one game--she dropped like a rock) and apply the necessary rule. Point of Emphasis #29 in 2005 rule book.
This gives you a basis for judgment as an umpire...if the ball is trapped (or maybe even just sitting really close to machine--inside a small circle perhaps), kill it and award as an injured player situation (POE 29) would deem necessary.
Then again, it is your rule, so create whatever you want. I'm just throwing stuff out here.