Tue Apr 05, 2005, 08:45am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 189
Originally posted by mcrowder
Mr. Cannizzo - I fail to understand why you insist on saying you will choose to ignore a rule in the rulebook. But let me ask you this.
If you insist your interpretation is correct, and an obstructed runner will not be given a base if she doesn't actually try to attain that base, what, then, to reuse my intentionally absurd example, will you do in this case:
Batter hits what appears to be a clean triple to right field, past both outfielders. Firstbaseman, upon seeing this, tackles the batter short of her reaching first base, and lays on her, preventing her from getting up. As the ball is finally retrieved, first baseman gets off BR, who trots to first base and stays there.
According to your POV and interp, this runner A) did not attempt to advance past first base, and B) was not put out... so you will not give any award.
If I'm misunderstanding your interp, please enlighten us. Don't try to change the scenario by saying that 1B's act was egregious, so you'll use some other rule to put the runner where she belongs. This is OBS, plain and simple, and the runner can (and should) be put on third base using only the OBS rule ... unless that rule is disregarded as you seem to be suggesting.
Im sure glad Im not this guy TC and have to try to reply to that. BTW, great example.
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anymore than going to McDonalds
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