Thread: Federation Exam
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Old Wed Jul 11, 2001, 08:29am
Rick KY Rick KY is offline
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Kentucky Exam and Official Classification

a. Level 1. An official will be classified as Level 1 as soon as he/she has paid the annual licensing fee, and he/she has attained a grade of at least 70 percent on the National Federation Part I Examination in that sport.

b. Level 2. An official will be classified as Level 2 if he/she has been licensed by the KHSAA for one year, has paid the annual licensing fee, and at such point in time as he/she attains a grade of at least eighty (80) percent on the National Federation Part II Examination in that sport for the year in which the Level 2 classification is requested. After having received the Level 2 classification, the official shall continue to receive the rating each year upon payment of the licensing fee, and attending the KHSAA sponsored rules clinic, and until all requirements for the Level 3 classification are met.

c. Level 3. When an official licenses for the sixth year with the Association, he/she shall be classified as Level 3 if he/she has been previously classified as Level 2, has attended the KHSAA sponsored rules clinic, has paid the annual licensing fee for that sport, and at the point in time when he/she receives a grade of at least ninety (90) percent on the National Federation Part II Examination during the year the Level 3 classification is requested. After having received the Level 3 classification, the official shall continue to receive the rating each year upon payment of the annual licensing fee and attending the KHSAA sponsored rules clinic.

I believe you must be a level 2 to work playoff games, and level 3 to work the championship games.
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