Originally posted by officialtony
Here I go again on the safety thing. I REQUIRE a 3rd player to " protect " whoever has their back to the plate. I want someone watching the ball off the bat on any ball that may come at the player with his back to the plate. And of course, he must have a helmet. I just feel this is the safe thing to do. No rule to cover it by either requiring it or prohibiting it. In my humble opinion, it is the right thing to do.
If safety is your mantra then why not really protect the battery, send 3 or 4 players down there with helmets in case one misses that line drive you are worried about. Better yet tell them they can't use the bullpen, because there is no rule that says they can. Send them to the parking lot to warmup. But wait, they might get hit by a car in the parking lot, so send them to school gym to warmup. No cars or foul balls there. Make sure they take off their spikes before going in the gym and if they ask why tell them 10-2-3g. Geez...
[Edited by DG on Apr 4th, 2005 at 11:30 PM]