Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by zebraman
I for one, did not take your comments as smart-***. I think they are reasonable questions. In my games, I think we would have had a nice polite conversation. I acually appreciate coaches who demonstrate that they have read the rules.
Of course this time of year (AAU) all I got for any coach who feels the need to question if I thought his player had lgp is "I blew the foul on him didn't I??"
You may wanna say "I called the foul on him, didn't I?"
T'other way, what you mighta heard back was "Yep, you sureashell did blow that foul call on him". That's what I woulda said to you anyway. Of course, then you'd probably put my old wrinkled a$$ in the parking lot- being the miserable sh*t that you are.
Let's just reel this f&cker in & we can all go home early.