Originally posted by Dukat
Except call the strike if it hits her in the strike zone, is there any other remedy you can, by rule, use?
Speaking ASA, Rule 7-3-A says that the batter must be completely within the lines of the batter's box prior to the start of the pitch. This is your authority to order the batter into the box and to hold up the pitch until she complies (or call a strike if she doesn't within 10 sec.
I can't find an equivalent rule in Fed. The closest seems to be 7-3-1, but that is more the equivalent of ASA 7-3-B & 7-3-C. It still seems, though, that with this rule you should hold up the pitch until the batter is in the box, and with NFHS, calling the strike if she is not in the box within 20 sec.
I have no problem in making sure the batter's feet are inside the box prior to the pitch. What she does after that is up to the batter.