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Old Fri Apr 01, 2005, 04:55pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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debeau, you're way off here.

It's not an opinion, it's the RULE that an umpire must decide at the time of the obstruction where he's protecting her to.

And your assertion that if you thought the runner would have achieved 3rd base without the obstruction, but upon seeing the runner tagged out between 2nd and 3rd you'd call her out is awful - what's the point of calling obstruction then? If she was out between 2nd and 3rd it would have been BECAUSE OF the obstruction that she was not already at 3rd when the ball made it in.

I'm still interested on hearing more opinions on whether we can (or should) take the 1st OBS into account into our reasoning at the time where we decide what the 2nd/3rd OBS protection should be. I admit I'm conflicted.
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