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Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 10:02am
Almost Always Right Almost Always Right is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: NV
Posts: 153
All the differences stated so far are absolutely correct.
Another big difference I see, and this goes directly to the flow of the game at both levels, is that the Men/Boys see a lot more of the court and they have the physical ability(most of the time) to react accordingly. Women/Girls appear to only see the defender and one other player.
i.e. 2 on 1 breaks - I hardly ever see the female of the species hit the trail coming in from behind.
I have been asked this before and I have noticed it more and more over the past couple of seasons.
It appears to be a subtle difference on the surface but if you pay attention to it, this is in part why the held ball count is so high in Womens/Girls. They don't see enough of the court to anticipate 2 oplays away.
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