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Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 09:17am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by TriggerMN
Actually, Whitehead was the C, John Higgins the T, and Burr the L.
Don't know what game you were looking at Trigger but Burr was the C.
I had this same argument with a buddy of mine.
Since, I have it on tape, I went and double-checked. Jim Burr was DEFINITELY the C opposite the table on the play. He indicated a three with his left hand (toward the endline) when Sparks went up. The funny thing is that he tripped and stumbled after the ball went in as he moved toward the table, so he never did give the touchdown signal.
Neither did the T because he didn't have last shot responsibility even though it was in his primary.

I too cannot tell Whitehead and John Higgins apart. They were L and T tableside for the play. Whoever called the foul that send Mich St to the line on the previous trip was the L.
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