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Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 08:55am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by rainmaker

Trigger, are you working from Fed rules? Who can give us the NCAA rule?
The rule is exactly the same at the college level (either side).

For the purpose of this specific play the rule is the same in NFHS and NCAA play, but there is a difference in the more general case.

In the NFHS the defender can break the plane once the ball is released by the thrower on the attempted throw-in pass.

In the NCAA the restrictions on the defender don't end until the ball breaks the OOB boundary plane.

Since this was a pass on the OOB side of the boundary from A1 to A2 after a made goal and NOT a throw-in pass, the difference in the two rule sets doesn't matter here. As described the call should have been a T in either a Fed or NCAA game.

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