Thread: new shoes
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Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 08:48am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Hard fields are the norm here in Nevada. North and South, just part of the desert climate.

I do not even own a pair of molded cleats anymore. I have turf shoes. I highly recommend the Arbitro Sec by Lotto. Retail is about $55 and available from Mine were quite soft at purchase time and were easy to break in.

For multiple games at tournaments, it depends upon the field conditions, but I like to wear the turfs when I am in the middle and basketball pair shoes for the lines. They are all black adidas low cuts. Any running or tennis shoe that you could find in all black should do wonders for saving your knees and feet.
The added cushion of the basketball shoes and the rotating of the shoes is a big help. Just don't wear the basketball shoes if it is wet. They weren't built for water!

When I have worked on artificial surfaces, I just wear the flats even for being the R.

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