First of all, don't lose your great attitude (vis-a-vis wanting to work, not just advancing). Just a couple comments from a relatively new official:
1. Intramurals may not help with rule knowledge, but they do help with some basic principles (such as officiating with the whistle out of your mouth and dealing with irate players, spectators, etc.). As for the rules, at Penn State we used NCAA rules with some modifications, but they turned into a hybrid of the rules the officials used when they played in HS, what they saw on TV on Sundays, and what announcers said.
2. Take what veteran officials say as constructive criticism. Some of them are not always very "diplomatic" in the way they say things to 'newbies,' but many of them have quite a bit of experience to lend, so listen, and don't let it get to you if you don't like the way they say it.
4. Develop a rules 'study plan.' From basketball, I'm sure you know the importance of the rules. Yes, there can be things that are more important than pure memorization of the rules, but I also have seen disasters when officials are out there not knowing the rules. For a rules study plan, try taking a rule per week or every two weeks during the offseason. I don't know how the NCAA book is set up, but to use an NF example....take a week just on the kicking game rule (Rule 6 in the NF rulebook). Study it, come on here to ask questions about it, and test yourself on it.
5. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Everyone on here is nice, they realize you are new at football, and they will answer all your questions (on things related to the rules, on mechanics, on communicating with players and coaches, etc.). I know I was confused, particularly with types of plays (running vs. loose ball), and this board, as well as McGriff's, helped my out a ton.
Good luck!
If the play is designed to fool someone, make sure you aren't the fool.