What puzzles me at the HS level is that in a girls game, the one girl brings down a rebound, and the other 9 girls on the court decide that they MUST have that ball RIGHT NOW. Held ball ensues. In a boys game, a boy comes down with a rebound, and everyone else goes to the other end of the floor. I just don't get it. Girls see an opponent with the ball and say, "Geez, now I need that ball." Guys see an opponent with the ball and go play defense. I just don't get it.
On the whole, at every level, the guys tend to have much better body control overall. There are a lot less guys hitting the floor than girls in your everage game. Don't know why, but it seems true at every level. Want proof? How many times have you seen a girls' basketball player with knee pads? How many guys wear knee pads?