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Old Mon Jul 09, 2001, 12:50am
Gre144 Gre144 is offline
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Posts: 252
Re: OK, I admit freely . . .

Originally posted by Tim C
I am challenged by your "descriptions" so I'll identify them as I think they happened. Please correct me if I have missed your point.

1)R1 -- F1 throws to F3 who is "not near" the base. I picture this as a balk. If you are playing OBR it is definitely a balk UNLESS F3 was moving towards the base in an attempt to make a play (The Boobie Valentine play). The way I read your post F3 would have been somehwere else BUT near the bag. Balk to me.

2) R2 -- since it is impossible to balk to second not calling a balk seems perfectly correct. Since no throw at all is required to second in this situation I cannot picture anything wrong with what was done.

I guess what I don't see in your post is a reference to "direction over distance" -- there is no requirement of reference in the rules to having a 45* angle involved.

Again, I could be wrong on BOTH these if I have misread or misapplied your plays.

In reference to your response to part 1- In Fed, the requirement is for the pitcher to step with the non-pivot foot towards the bag. The question becomes what is the definition of steping towards the bag? Many umpires told me in the previous thread, on this exact discussion, that stepping towards the bag means that F1 steps no further than 1/2 the distance between the bags. In other words, stepping towards first would mean stepping in any direction from first to the 1/2 way point between either home or second base. You did not explain specifically why you thought that situation 1 would be a balk.

I did not call a balk because I considered the throw to F3, who was in his normal position off the bag, as going in the direction towards the bag even though F3 was not holding the runner on the bag. With this in mind, you said that it is impossible to balk towards second but according to the definition of a balk, F1 must step towards the bag. What if he throws towards second but does not step towards it,wouldn't that be a balk?

The following question must be answered:

What is the definition of stepping towards the bag?

I still need to know if most of you agree with me or not on the 2 questions that I proposed in the thread.


[Edited by Gre144 on Jul 9th, 2001 at 12:55 AM]
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