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Old Sun Jul 08, 2001, 10:51pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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OK, I admit freely . . .

I am challenged by your "descriptions" so I'll identify them as I think they happened. Please correct me if I have missed your point.

1)R1 -- F1 throws to F3 who is "not near" the base. I picture this as a balk. If you are playing OBR it is definitely a balk UNLESS F3 was moving towards the base in an attempt to make a play (The Boobie Valentine play). The way I read your post F3 would have been somehwere else BUT near the bag. Balk to me.

2) R2 -- since it is impossible to balk to second not calling a balk seems perfectly correct. Since no throw at all is required to second in this situation I cannot picture anything wrong with what was done.

I guess what I don't see in your post is a reference to "direction over distance" -- there is no requirement of reference in the rules to having a 45* angle involved.

Again, I could be wrong on BOTH these if I have misread or misapplied your plays.

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