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Old Mon Mar 28, 2005, 03:42pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally posted by mcrowder
Worst I've seen - supposed 20-year umpire. He's BU, I'm at the plate. Pop up to 2nd base with no one on. Fans all scream as F4 is trying to catch it, and he drops it. I hear "Interference! Batter's out!" I didn't see interference, but was not going to contradict him on the field. Between innings (this old boy had to visit with me between every half-inning) I ask him what happened. "Verbal Fan Interference."

OK, fine - new one on me, too late to fix.

2nd game, he's behind the plate. One out, R2. Catcher catches a 1-hopper for swinging strike 3 and fires to third to catch R2 stealing, I call him out. PU is yelling, "Batter's out! Batter's Out!" as batter makes it to 1st without a throw. Coach goes nuts, gets ejected. Assistant (a wiser man) approaches PU calmly and asks him to discuss the call with me. Much to my shock he does. Turns out he knows the ball bounced - but ruled batter out because catcher fielded the ball cleanly. I tell him he's wrong (no one else can hear us), and he yells at me, for all to hear, "You're a F$^#&ing idiot!" and returns to the plate. Poor assistant coach doesn't know to protest.

He never worked for us again either.
I would've helped the coach through the protest after that.
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