I think it is very important for us and especially
the newer umpires to know that coaches do not
spend the time that we do going over rules
and play situations---sure--we can "kick" a call now
and then, but by and large we have a pretty good
record of getting things right !
--one last thought on the "blackballing"
--I've been officiating sports (baseball,
softball, football) in one form or another
since 1957- and this is the only time I've
been personna no grata for any team--
if I were the assignor I'd assign my
weakest/least experienced umpires to
that coach for the remainder of the season !!
But that is not in my capacity, so I'll simply
say "f***-off" to that coach by ignoring him !!
Keep everything in front of you
and have fun out there !!