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Old Wed Jul 04, 2001, 11:29am
Thom Coste Thom Coste is offline
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Posts: 77
Re: Re: In OBR you've got nothing!

Originally posted by Gre144
Originally posted by senior
I won't try to vouch for FED rules, but in OBR you've got a play that's over with one run in, one out at first, and a retired batter with a sore mouth.
The running lane doesn't enter into your play at all because it is only considered on a ball being fielded TO first. Once the out was made at first, your runner was no different than a runner retired as the lead out on any double play attempt.
It isn't believable that your retired batter-runner would interfere with the throw because of the obvious consequences. More than likely, he was "surprised" by the throw, and will bear scars as a result, but he isn't expected to "evaporate" after a put-out, he just can't interfere intentionally with the continuing play.
In the particular situation that I described, the batter-runner getting hit by the ball, may have prevented the out at home plate. Couldn't you threfore call interference on him and call R3 out at the plate?
FED ruling is the same - interference with a throw must be intentional; not likely in this case. The ball remains live and the run scores. At the end of playing action call "Time" and have the coaches tend to the injured player.

One of your scenarios (#3) included F3 intentionally pegging BR in the face with the throw. (The base umpire should see this since a play was just made there.) If that is judged to be the case, F3, under FED rules, could be ejected.
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