Originally posted by BamaRef
If the rules require a defensive player to establish defensive guarding position inbounds and maintain it inbounds, then why are we giving an advantage to the offensive player by allowing him/her to jump and land out of bounds to make a pass. They are not saving the ball nor is their momentunm carrying them out of bounds. They are deliberately jumping out of bounds to avoid the defense. It should be fair for both offensive and defensive players at the same time. In my book, this is a technical foul and another reason this rule should be changed to a violation.
I have never seen that happen. If you have maybe you have been watching more basketball than I have. I guess my question is why would a player do that? If their momentum did not take them out of bounds, then why would a player just jump out of bounds? At least I can see how you could call a T for a player avoiding a T or avoiding a violation of some kind (3 seconds). I cannot see how you have a T for this action. I guess you can read into the rule and come up with that, but as I stated before that would not make good common sense.