Originally posted by Nevadaref
I'll add one thing that others may not have noticed. On the play with 1:12 remaining and what most feel was a missed PC foul against NC St. up high in the C's primary area, Hightower dropped down toward the endline during the original shot and was a bit delayed in moving back up. He appears to get screened out by an NC St. player in his view of the crash.
Crash? I remember it as a solid elbow, not a crash. Was there another PC missed?
In any event, it was clear Hightower was screened out on that play. It happens. But IMO the T could have taken that, it was a game saver.
BTW, I didn't record the game & I'm wondering if you saw NC State's illegal screen leading to the 3 just prior to the elbow that I mentioned in the other thread on this? On the replay did you think it was a good no-call?