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Old Fri Mar 25, 2005, 03:03pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by ysong
According to NFHS (or NCAA in this regard) rules
ART. 4 . . . The dribble ends when:
d. An opponent bats (intentionally strikes the ball with the hand(s)) the ball.

But in the "double dribble" section, the rule says:

"A player shall not dribble a second time after his/her first dribble has ended,
unless it is after he/she has lost control because of:
ART. 2 . . . A bat by an opponent.

Then a question arises: what if an opponent bats the ball but does not cause the dribbler to lose control of the ball, can the dribbler continue to dribble? (if we want to follow the rule literally.)

I don't think any referee will call "double dribble" if the dribbler keeps dribbling, but do I miss something here? My question is caused by the inconsistency of the rule, or my poor English, or both?

Both. You need to read with "spirit and intent" -- and I'm guessing that's tough to do when English is not your primary language.

A couple of points to remember:

1) The rules are a finite set of words to an infinite set of possibilities. The rules can't cover everything.

2) The rules were written by gentlemen, for gentlemen, not by lawyers, for lawyers.

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