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Old Mon Mar 21, 2005, 03:04pm
andrewm andrewm is offline
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Posts: 45
Garth, I just want to be able to execute a legal pick-off manuever - from the windup. I'm not trying to get over on anyone. It's in the rulebook plain as day. However, based on my discussions with other coaches in the area and a few umps, it sure looks like I'm going to get a balk called.

If there is a good chance of that happening, I would like to find out the best way to handle the situation. One option is pro-active (talk to the ump before the game) and the other option is reactive. If I'm unable to talk to the ump prior to the game, then I have two choices - not run the play or deal with the ump if I get a balk call. David's advice seems like a good way to handle the situation in the latter case.

As someone said, pick your battles. We will pick a timely point in the game to attempt this. Either to set a tone for the rest of the game by keeping baserunners off balance or to get a crucial out. Therefore, it will be a battle I want to fight.

It's unfortunate that we're even having this dicussion. I should be able to have complete faith that the umps know the rules.
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