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Old Mon Mar 21, 2005, 01:58pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Tee, Tee, Tee......

Don't bother. Leopards don't change their spots and Rats don't grow a conscience and a respect for integrity.

Consider that a Rat posted this: I know this is a particularly hard pill for you to swallow, but there is a little psychology involved when a person is trying to get "their way" with an individual who is predisposed to not allow them to have "their way." This is just the dynamics of athletic competition and does not need to be characterized as being "sleazy" or "cheating" or "rat like."

Now think about this for a second. He is admitting that using psychology to get his own way is just part of athletic competition. Then he resents that this kind of manipulation and lobbying is considered sleazy or Rat-like.

Unfortunately, he is half-right, that behavior has become common in athletics. But he is also half-wrong; it IS sleazy and Rat-like.

The inablilty of Rats to understand what makes them Rats would be amusing if it weren't so sad. As an educator, it really is disheartening to see the effect this has on kids sometimes. They come to class with that same attitude learned from their coaches...."manipulate and get what I want" with little consideration to what they deserve or what is right.

Some schools foster this behavior in their better athletes by giving in to it. Many high school superstars aren't held to the consequences of their actions. This carries over to college and then the world can't figure out why pro athletes act spoiled. I can. It started with a Rat for a coach.

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