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Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 01:51pm
debeau debeau is offline
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Posts: 382

Interesting response.
And similar veins to here in NZ
Whats an appeal ? ( A seperate thread of discussion )
A play which an umpire cannot rule on until requested to do so by a manager player coach .
In my view it doesnt have to be verbal , a look or holding the ball up is enough but it has to be indicated .
Simply throwing the ball back is not enough .
This is actually what I am getting at .
Yes it is an appeal play ( for some reason a lot of umpires called it out automatically over here until I chalenged their reasoning. Their answer was the act of throwing it back was enough )Lets be honest , most players wouldnt have had a clue that this was a appeal play .(Obviously neither do some umpires in NZ )
In this forum you did.
Antonella-- Too true and I did think about putting first touched but thought it may confuse and it is not important here .
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